Friday, May 22, 2009

Mother's Day

I'm really late posting this, but I sure loved Mother's Day. Brent was really sweet and helped the kids make me breakfast in bed when he got home from work in the morning. I almost ruined it by waking up and starting to get ready for church; but he ordered me back to bed and the kids surprised me with a toasted bagel, sliced orange, milk and a flower. It was really cute, and the kids were so excited.
They sang with the primary during sacrament meeting during church. The girls hadn't done it before and were pretty shy. But TJ sang out loud and clear on all the parts that he knew. Elders Bedke and Eaton used to practice singing with him, now he says he super charges his batteries so he can sing. You can definitely hear him singing over all the other children... sometimes he even sings in tune. :)
I cried when they sang, I couldn't help thinking about how much I love and miss my own Mommy. She'll be here in July, and I can't wait. So many of the good things in my life, and good qualities that I might possess can be attributed directly to my mother. Plus many good qualities that I don't have, that I'd really like to possess. My mom is an angel, and I love her so much.