Sunday, September 5, 2010

Remember July.... when it was warmish...

And we could wear t-shirts outside (some days)
And the wild iris's were blooming in the field by our house.... (yes that's an old airplane, now it's used for storage I believe.)

And the crab was plentiful .... very plentiful.

And we saved the world one beached starfish at a time...

And Brent said there were so many beached starfish that we couldn't make a difference.

But we said, "It made a difference to that one" as we through it into the sea.

And we sailed under the ship that got beached in a storm,

And we caught big humpy salmon, that were too foul to eat,

And for our 12th Wedding Anniversary Brent made me take the kids fishing for the humpy derby because he was at work.

And I was  mad because I've never had to go fishing by myself, and taking fish off the hooks is scary.

But I managed to get a nice big fish for each of the kids,  and nobody ended up getting hooked.

And Faith's fish took 4th place so she won a fishing pole, and I decided it was OK.

And Gracie decided she wanted her training wheels off (7/21/10)

So Dad made TJ take his off too, and TJ was surprised to find that he really didn't need them anymore just like Dad said.

And Faith said she wasn't ready to ride without her training wheels

And we told her she was right, so she got to keep hers on till next year.

And Faith left the land of 3 yr olds forever and said hello to the big 4.

And she had a fun party with all of her friends.

And when we celebrated with the family, she got even more presents.

And that made her really happy!

And she wore her birthday nightgown, and birthday hat and gloves.
And she looked into the camera and did all her best moves.  (see her face, she takes her princess moves very seriously)

And those were the fun things that we did, when it was still July.


Kassi Luck said...

sounds like a fun and eventful july!! i have said it before but i must say it again, you guys are the cutest family!!

Colleen Marie said...

Your kids are so adorable. I love the part about the training wheels. I didn't learn to ride without them until I was like 8. I have balance problems.

Leacayoungart said...

You guys look like you are having a good time.

Melissa said...

I love this post!!! It makes me want to come visit you!!

kaarin said...

They grow up so fast. Great job catching fish. I really liked the baby star fish.