Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have Hives on my Eyes... 5/25/10

I Don't know what happened, when he woke up he was fine.  But by breakfast he had huge hives on his eyes.  Poor baby, he's trying to be tough.
  Brent's pretty good at making the kids feel better.  It's always nice to know that Dad is there to make sure you're OK.


Kassi Luck said...

His poor eyes! I hope they got better fast. Poor thing!!

Hope said...

Dads ARE great, but *pop-tarts* make EVERYTHING better! :)

The Bohans said...

What's wrong with him? Did it get better? Poor little man!

Leacayoungart said...

oh no poor guy. I forgot to tell you that Mother's day the kids sang in church and my family really missed TJ singing and then after sacrament Camille Taylor says, "I miss TJ!" so we were not the only ones.

P.S. He looks so grown up.

Wilson Family said...

Give him a hug from auntie, I wish I could be there to make it all better too.