For example:
I had my 1st actual cab ride.
1st time being stuck in traffic behind a landslide.
1st time driving on a 4-wheel drive Hawaiian cattle road, in a 1980 something Toyota corolla during torrential rains.
1st time visiting Hilo, where I also had my 1st time seeing flood water wash over the hood of our car.
Don't forget 1st time driving in rain so thick you could only see the 1st reflector on the yellow dotted line to guide you on your road.
I just have to say, that this car was SWEET! It was very old, and smelled like mildew (especially after all the rain!) But this car got us through, crazy flooding, back roads we never should have been driving on. And took us all over the island with no problems whatsoever. (except the stinking) Did I mention also that it was free? Brant new someone from the ward who knew a member over there who let us borrow it. Pretty sweet deal, since there were no rental cars to be had Christmas weekend.
Plus we looked like locals in it, so we really didn't have to worry so much about having someone break into our car.
1st time eating at Bubba was also AWESOME!
1st time eating coconut ice cream at this little shop! It was also AWESOME!
Not my 1st time getting a head hug while Brent snaps a picture. We did this all the time when we lived on Oahu.
1st time going on vacation with my bishop. Which was actually really awesome! Brant & Brent have become really good friends. I've become great friends with Jen, and that friendship means a lot to me.
I will love these guys forever!
1st hippie colony.
1st time seeing nudist body surfing at the beach. (It was a bit horrifying!)
1st shoulder dislocation while snorkeling.
1st shoulder dislocation while snorkeling.
1st time having Brent (re) locate my shoulder. :)
Who can forget the 1st time I sat on a sea urchin?
1st time seeing a wild bore.
1st time eating Thai Food. (I loved it!)
I didn't keep a list like I should have so that's all I can think of for now. But it was definitely a trip worth remembering. And one that I'm deeply grateful I was able to be part of. Heavenly Father blesses us in many ways, this one was huge!
I didn't keep a list like I should have so that's all I can think of for now. But it was definitely a trip worth remembering. And one that I'm deeply grateful I was able to be part of. Heavenly Father blesses us in many ways, this one was huge!
You are so lucky/blessed. You of all people enjoy life so much. Glad you were able to go. laters
I always love reading your blog!
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